
Entity Definition

Logical Name : LocationVertex
Physical Name : LO_VRTX

Holds the x-y-z coordinate of one point of a multipoint shape that defines a location.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
LocationID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Location. ID_LCN Identity integer LocationCoordinate(LO_CRDN)
SequenceNumber (PK) Defines the sequence for this vertex. Used to identify two vertexes that together define an edge when connected by a line AI_SQN LineNumber smallint
X-coordinateValue The X-coordinate of this LocationVertex within a given location local coordinate system. QU_CRDN_X_VL Identity integer
Y-coordinateValue The Y-coordinate of this LocationVertex within a given location local coordinate system. QU_CRDN_Y_VL Identity integer
Z-coordinateValue The Z-coordinate of this LocationVertex within a given location local coordinate system. QU_CRDN_Z_VL Identity integer


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
LocationCoordinate shape determined by LocationVertex

Logical Views containing LocationVertex

Logical View
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View